We meet together to enjoy being in the presence of God and to focus our adoration towards His Son, Jesus Christ.
Growth happens when we devote ourselves to the study and preaching of God's holy word, the Bible.
We are here to support, pray with, and enjoy fellowship with each other while functioning as a church family.
Home / Ministries
Preparing our hearts, presenting our lives, and permitting God's Word to transform our hearts and minds. Worship here at Brushy is Spirit-filled and Spirit-led in a family atmosphere of love for God and for each other.
The Bible contains both the mind of God and His will for our lives. It is as necessary for our souls as food is for our bodies. As Brushy, we study God's Word in our Sunday School classes, in every Worship Service, at our Wednesday Evening Bible Study, and through various Study Groups.
We are here to help young adults navigate life and to prepare them for life with Christ beyond high school. Our goal it to illuminate the words of Jesus, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve...” Mark 10:45a
Oh, yes... and we have lots of fun doing it!
Helping our children to grow in Christ and training them to serve each other, our community, and the Lord. That's what Kids on Mission is all about. Classes for ages 3 years through 5th grade include activities in music, crafts, lessons, and games, all designed to help our children grow spiritually while having fun.
God created music even before He created us. He designed us for singing and to make music for His pleasure and ours. It is a significant part of both our prayers and our praise. So much so that it is ingrained in our very souls. Come join in the fun as we make music for our Lord!